Kerry Winsor
Branch Councillor
Kerry Winsor is the Executive Director Western Australian Country Health (WACHS) Service South West and Fellow of the College, Certified Health Executive, member State Branch Council and Graduate of Australian Institute Company Directors.
Kerry has had extensive experience in clinical nursing, primarily emergency, coronary care and general medicine/endocrine, before gaining experience in Nurse Regulation as Nurse Advisor Legislation with the Queensland Nursing Council and executive leadership roles in Country Queensland.
Kerry is a member of the Edith Cowan University Community Advisory Board and Curtin University Health Administration Post Graduate Course Advisory Board.
Kerry considers herself privileged to work in executive leadership roles in the WA Country Health Service. Kerry has great respect and admiration for the clinical and non clinical teams, partner agencies, local community representatives and consumers who are determined in their efforts to improve the health and well being of the communities, who rely on our services.
Kerry has particular interests related to the College, including fostering development of women in leadership, supporting College activities including conference activities, Fellowship coordination and examinations and ACHSM webinars.