Accreditation process

For new accreditations please email with the name of the course/s the university would like to be accredited. The College head office will then contact the university to start the process.

The following documents explain the College's university accreditation process:

ACHSM Accreditation Program Policy and Manual (for general information and the philosophies and context)
ACHSM Accreditation Program Guidelines for Universities (specific information for clarifying the requirements and the process for accreditation)  
ACHSM Accreditation Program Handbook for Surveyors (specific information for guiding our surveyors in managing the accreditation processes)

As combined resources, these documents streamline the processes and give clarity to the role of the university undertaking the accreditation as well as the role of the College Head Office. This will reduce lag times from request for accreditation to finalising report and notifying the university. It will also reflect the desire to build on the relationships that exist between the College and the university sector. All Accreditations are required to be online.

We have developed a short checklist to help universities prepare for their accreditation. This will be emailed out to the university once contact has been made.

We will be strongly encouraging universities who offer Health Service Management courses which are not currently accredited by ACHSM to join us in an attempt to create a workforce that will meet the needs of the health and aged care industry.

Benefits for the accredited university include:

  • FREE Student Membership for all students studying your Health Management / Administration / Leadership courses accredited by ACHSM.
  • Provision of a certificate of accreditation and ‘logo’ for use by the university
  • A link from the College website to the university website where further information can be obtained regarding the accredited courses
  • In recognition of their accreditation fee, each accredited university will be provided with:
  • two free registrations to the College’s National Conference to be taken in the year of the Accreditation.
  • access to the College’s peer-reviewed (online) journal – the Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management
  • an invitation for the accredited university to work more closely with the College on potentially suitable professional development programs 

If you have any queries, please contact ACHSM or call +61 2 8753 5100.


Program Policy and Manual

Guidelines for Universities

Handbook for Surveyors

Looking for surveyors

  • Want to become more involved in the College?
  • Do you have experience in assessing university courses?
  • Are you currently an ACHS surveyor perhaps?

Then we want to hear from you. We are about to launch our newly revised accreditation manual and guidelines and we need competent and experienced surveyors to assist with assessing the College's university accreditation program.

Please contact ACHSM with your name, email, contact number and brief surveyor experience.

Haven't done this before? Don't worry: we will be happy to train you!