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Accreditation standards review: your invitation to comment

ACHSM has determined to undertake a review of the Master of Health Service Management Accreditation standards and processes and has invited Professor (Emeritus) Gerry FitzGerald to undertake the review.

The College has determined to undertake a review of the Master of Health Service Management Accreditation standards and processes and has invited Professor (Emeritus) Gerry FitzGerald to undertake the review.

Gerry is a Fellow of ACHSM and of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (RACMA). He was formerly Commissioner of the Qld Ambulance service and Chief Health Officer in Qld. Since 2006 until his retirement in 2019, Gerry lead the Master of Health Management program at the QUT in Brisbane.

The review seeks to address the following broad questions:

  1. Describe the current status and processes of the accreditation standards and their application to the process of program accreditation.
  2. Identify issues associated with the current standards.
  3. Identify issues associated with the application of those standards to the processes of course accreditation.
  4. Identify the principles and criteria that may help guide the structure and content of future standards and their application to course accreditation.
  5. Identify new approaches to the process of course accreditation.

The review will involve interviews with a small number of key stakeholders. However, for completeness, we invite ACHSM members to contribute to the review by sharing your personal experiences or making any submission you consider may add value.

Please feel free to correspond directly with Gerry at

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