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Honorary Fellowships in Vic-Tas Branch

In December 2022, ACHSM awarded Honorary Fellowships to two influential members for their outstanding contribution to health service management in their respective States.

On 2 Dec, Prof Euan Wallace, Secretary, Department of Health, Victoria was awarded Honorary Fellowship to recognise his leadership in managing the Victorian public health system. In particular, the award recognises Prof Wallace's sound and respected leadership at a time of major stress and huge challenge for the system brought on by the Covid pandemic and subsequent workforce challenges. The award aligns the College with, and formally recognises, Prof Wallace’s leadership of the Victorian public health system in a very challenging period.

Prof Wallace has over thirty years’ experience in clinical practice and 15 years in clinical leadership and governance. He has been a strong advocate for healthcare improvement and for the consumer voice in healthcare. Prof Wallace is a widely respected leader in the health sector and well recognised for his commitment to quality and safety in patient care. Euan is a very widely published and frequently cited researcher in his fields.

On 7 Dec, the College awarded Honorary Fellowship to Kathrine Morgan-Wicks, Secretary, Department of Health, Tasmania, was awarded Honorary Fellowship inn recognition of her contribution to Health Management in Tasmania, particularly the leadership role Kathrine has played in managing the Tasmanian public health system throughout the global pandemic.

Kathrine has significantly contributed to Health Management and Leadership through this role.She faced challenges as the newly appointed Secretary, in dealing with COVID in Tasmania. As Secretary and Health Commander, with the then Premier, she fronted regular, daily media events to explain the COVID restriction and strategies. She handled the first major outbreak of COVID in the North West of Tasmania, that temporarily closed the North West regional hospital.

Kathrine is now managing the transition to managing COVID as an endemic disease. She has been a champion of keeping a customer/patient focused approach and is overseeing the largest health investment in moving the whole of Tasmanian health services to a fully integrated and digital system.

Kathrine’s 20 plus year career as a lawyer and executive has spanned the private and public sectors, including 14 years travelling throughout Australia and overseas with Australia’s corporate regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). She was appointed Secretary of the Tasmanian Department of Health in 2019.

Please join us in congratulating these Honorary Fellows of the College.



Prof Euan Wallace receiving his Honorary Fellowship of ACHSM from Vic-Tas Branch President Adam Stormont

Kathrine Morgan-Wicks receiving her Honorary Fellowship of ACHSM from College President Dr Neale Fong

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