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Lakes Branch of NZIHM hosted a presentation from Ngaroma (Mala) Grant, CEO of Te Arawa Whanau Ora and Chair of the Lakes Branch of NZIHM, on Whanau Ora - the Te Arawa Whanau Ora story
Lakes Branch of NZIHM hosted a presentation from Ngaroma (Mala) Grant, CEO of Te Arawa Whanau Ora and Chair of the Lakes Branch of NZIHM, on Whanau Ora - the Te Arawa Whanau Ora story. It is 10 years since the introduction of this unique Te Ao Maori approach to working alongside families in an holistic manner.
Whanau Ora builds on the Sir Mason Durie Te Whare Tapa Wha model encompassing Taha Wairua (spiritual wellbeing), Taha Tinana (physical wellbeing), Taha Hinengaro (mental wellbeing), Taha Whanau (social wellbeing) and in more recent work, the thinking around equity and what elements promote indigenous success. Te Arawa Whanau Ora is working with 500 whanau this year and the cornerstone of the Whanau Ora movement is the co-design of a Whanau Plan which describes the aspirations and goals of the Whanau for their future.
Mala provided both quantitative and qualitative examples of the changes being made in peoples lives including a case study of people and their whanau being supported with long term respiratory conditions so that their independence is maximised. This includes being able to participate in marae activities. She also spoke about the work that Te Arawa Whanau Ora champions as the contract holder for Healthy Families Rotorua - which involves taking a systems approach to long term inter-generational change that sees communities being active and making healthy choices where people live, work and play.
Speaker Mala sitting on the extreme right. Back Row: Heeni Brown, Strategic Communications Healthy Families Rotorua; Dr Johan Morreau, Paediatrician and LDHB Board member; Mapihi Raharuhi, Manager Healthy Families Rotorua; Front Row: Hingatu Thompson, CEO Manaaki Ora; Marita Ranclaud, General Manager Te Utuhina Manaakitanga Trust; Cathy Cooney FCHSM, Director Kowhai Health Associates; Ngaroma (Mala) Grant, FCHSM, CEO Te Arawa Whanau Ora and Chairperson Lakes Branch. Some attendees left before the photo was taken.