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ACHSM position on the forthcoming referendum

Many health sector organisations, whether they be Colleges, professional associations, national hospital or care groups or individual health services have declared their support for changes to the Australian Constitution at the referendum on 14 October to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and create an advisory Voice institution to represent them to government.

A Voice to Parliament would provide First Nations people with a permanent body to make representations to Parliament and the Executive Government on matters that are of particular significance to their peoples. In healthcare, as well as other areas, research has shown that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have better outcomes when they are able to participate actively in decision making.

Professionals in the health system enjoy a position of trust in the community and hence can be pivotal in shaping opinions and decisions.

The ACHSM Board considers formal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution an unparalleled opportunity to deliver better health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

We commend this viewpoint to our members to similarly support the Yes vote whilst noting that a referendum is always the outcome of the sum of individual views and we appreciate each of our College members will of course form their own view on this important matter.

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