
Latest news from ACHSM


Visit this page regularly for updates on the College and its programs, events and other activities


The NSW ACHSM Reunion Group, which counts over 40 people, has been meeting for many years. About 15 – 20 people usually attend the lunches. The rest like to stay in touch about the reunions and photos taken (to see who is still standing!).


The ACHSM Board considers formal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution an unparalleled opportunity to deliver better health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of Joanne Travaglia following a brief period of illness.

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Watch a video message from College President Dr Neale Fong


ACHSM is extremely saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Michael Kalimnios FCHSM, our National Treasurer and Chair of the Board Finance Committee.


The Emergency Medical Team Secretariat of the World Health Organization (WHO) has welcomed Professor Leonard Notaras as the Chair of the EMT Strategic Advisory Group (SAG).


ACHSM National President Dr Neale Fong FCHSM (Hon) sends a video greeting to College members as 2020 draws to a close.


An update from ACHSM National President Dr Neale Fong on the upcoming Annual General Meeting on Tue 27 Oct 2020, and wishing Fellowship candidates the best fo the upcoming exams.


ACHSM National President Dr Neale Fong FCHSM updates members on latest developments and upcoming projects at the College, including value propositions such as the Library Bulletin, including the special COVID-19 edition, the Asia-Pacific Journal of Health Management, and Certification.


Latest news about College PD events and programs from the National President