
Latest news from ACHSM


Visit this page regularly for updates on the College and its programs, events and other activities




The NSW ACHSM Reunion Group, which counts over 40 people, has been meeting for many years. About 15 – 20 people usually attend the lunches. The rest like to stay in touch about the reunions and photos taken (to see who is still standing!).


The ACHSM Board considers formal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution an unparalleled opportunity to deliver better health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of Joanne Travaglia following a brief period of illness.


Prof FitzGerald was given this award in recognition of his long and stellar contribution to the College in Queensland and nationally

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The ACHSM 2023 one-day conference in Melbourne exceeded attendance expectations. We share below a few photos of the event.


ACHSM President Dr Neale Fong visited to New Zealand to explore a competency framework and professional career pathway for health system leaders

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Watch a video message from College President Dr Neale Fong


ACHSM would like to congratulate the following recipients of Australia Day Honours 2023. Please join us in saluting the high-achievers below who play a significant role in health service delivery and were recognised in this week’s announcement by the Governor-General of Australia.

In December 2022, two Honorary Fellowships of the College were awarded: Prof Euan Wallace, Secretary of the Vic Dept of Health, and Kathrine Morgan-Wicks, Secretary of the Tas Dept of Health.


ACHSM has determined to undertake a review of the Master of Health Service Management Accreditation standards and processes and has invited Professor (Emeritus) Gerry FitzGerald to undertake the review.